
Buyer’s Guide

What makes a gem, your ‘ideal’ gem?

Gemstones at the end of the day are pieces of mineral crystals. But what makes a gemstone, truly special? What’s so unique about a particular stone, that draws you to it, that with its flaws, the sparks, the hues, and the flares, speak to you a totally distinctive story, which no other gem can?

While a regimented way can be used for judging the quality of gemstones, a gemstone is more than just four characteristics on paper, they are instead multidimensional and have their own character and uniqueness to offer. No two gemstones are identical to each other. Like beauty is subjective in nature and will always be, a certain gemstone could form a connection with you and only you and another would stay immune to its charms. While it’s all right to be prudent and follow the parameters to the T in buying gemstones, it’s also all right to throw caution to the wind and follow your heart and obtain the gemstone that speaks to you in a manner, no other stone ever has. The relationship you form with the gemstone that you pick can be personal and hence provide you complete freedom in your choice process.